Our turkey complete raw dog food is a delicious and healthy recipe. A blend of quality, fresh meat, ground turkey bone and turkey offal (from DEFRA approved, British Farm Assurance certified local farms), packed with seasonal vegetables, superfoods and infused with the best quality Scottish salmon oil.
Suitable for all dogs 24 weeks+
Tax included.
Pickup currently unavailable at Aviemore
ProDog - Turkey - Complete Raw Dog Food Meal
Pickup currently unavailable
3A Myrtlefield Business Park Aviemore PH22 1SD United Kingdom
Pickup available,
usually ready in 24 hours
Unit 2, 33 Harbour Road Inverness IV1 1UA United Kingdom
Pickup currently unavailable
8 Harbour Street Nairn IV12 4NU United Kingdom
63% British turkey meat with bone (includes approx 10% ground turkey bone) 10% British turkey heart 6% British turkey offal (liver) 18.5% Seasonal British vegetables and berries (10% British leafy greens, 7.5%carrots, 1% blueberries) 1.5% ground pumpkin seeds, 0.5% Irish Sea kelp, 0.5% Atlantic salmon oil